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According to the current situation we are experiencing, it has been necessary to adapt sensory integration therapies to the tele-therapy modality. For this I have taken the certification in tele therapy at CLASI (The collaborative for leadership in Ayres Sensorial Integration). According to the guidelines for good management of sensory integration therapies based on CLASI. I am developing evaluations and treatments for children with sensory deficits in children with ASD, neurodevelopmental problems and learning deficits. The application of the evaluations is carried out through specific tests of sensory integration and neurodevelopment that are completed by the parents, complementing with exact tests of the senses that are evaluated synchronously through tele therapy, where parents or caregivers are guided For me to achieve effective results, clinical observation is done through videos and online communication where I fully observe the children in their daily routines. The platform that I use for Tele-therapies is Zoom medico, acquired by Neurodesarrollo Quito.


The interventions are applied through treatment plans, according to the results of the evaluations and other tests applied. Each treatment plan is individual according to the needs of each child. The therapy sessions are developed synchronously where I seek to achieve real goals that are previously raised in the treatment plan. Also, to carry out a comprehensive intervention, I work through weekly programs specifically created to develop skills at home. Parents or caregivers become co-therapists, this means that they are the ones who carry out the actions and activities that I am directing from the screen, in some cases tele therapy must be combined with face-to-face therapies as it is necessary to give preparation tools to the co-therapists (parents or caregivers of how to carry out these). According to the case, he developed treatment plans that the co-therapists applied to the children throughout the week. These plans are based on the sensory needs of each child and are not difficult to execute, nor do they require a large amount of time, but they do require perseverance (perform them every day).


I am currently implementing teleotherapy for two months with successful results in children.


The health emergency presented us with the obligation to modify the way we do early intervention. Development during the first 5 years of life is essential for every human being, and even more so if we consider it as the greatest window of opportunity to intervene in neurodevelopmental disorders. In response to our concern and that of parents, we relied on ESDM research work to extend the service to the parent training modality.

This response not only allowed us to respond to the crisis caused by SARS-CoV 2, but it has also proven to be effective in increasing the intensity, so necessary, in early intervention; in addition to a greater commitment to the achievement of the objectives on the part of the caregivers. Early intervention is aimed at improving various aspects of the child's development, based on a curriculum. Aspects such as communication, social skills, play, behavior, motor skills, independence and some others are objectives in our work.

The work is carried out through the Zoom Pro platform attached to Neurodevelopment and for this, some dimensions are established: 1) Assessment and approach of objectives, which is carried out prior to the implementation of the program, so that there is an objective way to track the child's progress; 2) One-to-one training with parents, study of the model and the techniques to be used, based on the objectives set out above; 3) Registration and monitoring of the application by caregivers and professionals; 4) Live guided intervention sessions, in which session models, activity banks and adjustments in the caregivers' technique are established; and 5) Specific modifications according to the child and the context (feeding, routines, behavior, structuring, among others).


Behavioral interventions

Behavior management is based on behavioral laws that allow us to interact and modify behaviors. Inappropriate behaviors often cause difficulties both at home and in other spaces. The plans for managing interactions and behaviors at home focus on:

  • Match each particular parenting style with the child's needs

  • Training for parents / caregivers on behavioral and emotional regulation techniques according to the child's needs.

  • Training in parenting-oriented psychological flexibility skills.

The modulation and maintenance of functional behaviors at home establishes adaptive limits; in addition, it helps the self-regulation of external and internal stimuli. Each program is individualized for the needs of each client. In general, it consists of four phases: (1) Initial session / Interview (2) Observation (3) Feedback (4) Preparation of the plan and delivery of the plan (5) Training.

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